Day: July 11, 2014

‘The Sultan’s Elephant’ by Royal de Luxe, produced in London in 2006 by Artichoke

The Sultan’s Elephant was the biggest piece of free theatre ever seen in London, set against the city’s magnificent landmarks. French theatrical magicians Royal de Luxe had already toured their elephant across Europe, but had never before performed in the UK.

The vast, time-travelling mechanical elephant, taller than Admiralty Arch and 42 tonnes in weight, was joined by a giant girl, twenty feet high. For four days they enthralled their audience with sprays of water, bus rides and by sewing cars to the ground. Then, when their time was up, they disappeared in a magical puff of smoke, leaving behind many wonderful memories.


The Sultan's Elephant Brings London To A Standstill Giant_puppet_girl_licks_lolly Sultans Elephant London

Observation on socialising of boys versus girls from someone of the third gender

Bailey Jay

“…I definitely have seen first hand how differently somebody talks to a boy versus somebody talks to a girl and in some ways people what to help me more. Which use to be nice, but it starts to make me feel like I’m going too atrophy…Jesus like let me fucking walk, let me talk, let me do stuff…

…If I make a joke nobody ever assumes I’m joking because, I guess I look like an attractive girl and the idea that somebody with a symmetrical face could also have any sort of concept of irony is like – beyond them. And I’m really honest able it – when I’ve done camp shows – they are like “why are you so funny?”. And I’m like – if you ever met a girl who is pretty and funny – she used to have a dick, still has a dick or used to be super fat. And I had time to work on a personality like everybody does…

…Like most guys, because it is not like the world is bending over backwards to give, (even the most attractive man), their really trying to give him the world…

…Because, I feel we almost perpetually keep woman as children in our culture and then we get mad at them when they don’t know how to take care of themselves or they too co-dependent in a relationship, but we’re raising them to be veal…”

Bailey Jay, trans woman, performer, podcaster and commentator.


Get informed, get educated. This is not a joke, it’s real peoples lives.

Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is.

Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.

Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Imagine space is like an ocean and we (humanity) are at sea in this vast ocean. We can see only as far as our horizon, but we know the ocean is bigger than that. Beyond our horizon we can imagine other ships with their own horizons. Space is big and humanity may never know if anyone else is out there.